Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Phi X-174 DNA Phage???!! ಠ_ಠ

Yup, you read that right.. May I introduce you to my new friend, Phi X-174 Bacteriophage =)

11 chromosomes, 5628 base pairs, and it looks like one of those rubber stress balls (-_-“), albeit with a colour scheme that looks like something from Aliens Vs. Predators.

Stupid jokes aside though, you gotta admit, he is pretty magnificent (or she..)

As is my biology class on whole. If I do say so myself, the Year 12 Biology Class is probably the most exhilarating, excruciating, vivifying, head-ache inducing, experience I’ve ever had.

Never A Dull Day™ , so to speak Open-mouthed smile

Anyways, I’ve decided to start on a new project for this year, basically to give me more ideas for my application essay which I gotta get done before July 2011. Hehehe, I’ve christened it:

100 Books, 1 Year™

Can you guess what I’m gonna be doing??? (More info next post)

On current issues, debate club meeting is tomorrow, and I’ve decided to cover the topic of structure, because the last debate we held ended in a rather messy way –_-“ So, hopefully, by this time tomorrow, I’ll be able to report a blinding success, or…… crushing failure Sad smile 

And that’s what living is all about =)

So, Hobey Ho! Let’s Go!!!

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